PO Box 22
6116 Efland-Cedar Grove Rd
Cedar Grove, NC 27231
Horse Show!
October 6th - 10 a.m. A community Fun Show that is open for all. $6 per Class/$35 All Day fee. Ribbons and Prizes awarded to all classes. Call before you haul in case of inclement weater. Consessions on site including the best BBQ and Stew in Cedar Grove. Get it by the plate or pound/quart. Hot Dogs for the kidos. NEG. COGGINS TEST REQUIRED WITHIN ONE YEAR
Big Raffle
October 20th - Dinner starting at 5PM Reverse Drawing at 7PM for 14 Cash Prizes. Grand Prize is $10,000. Second Chance $100 Ticket Raffle and Sideboard Tickets Again This Year!
Interested in
joining us?
Our monthly meetings are the
first Thursday of each month.
Come for a visit, you are welcome to attend. We are a great group of
people, doing what we can for our community. Check the member page and
see if you know anyone that is currently a member, ask them or call Kenny
Slater our president and talk to them about the Cedar Grove Ruritan.